Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year Everybody!

We've just entered 2016 and just like every year I have some resolutions. Normally they are all about me, you know, the typical losing weight, be more organised, save up, etc. This year they're all about my blog. For once I have stuck with my blog for months and I plan to keep doing it and get better and better at the whole blogging thing. In the past I've started about five blogs and given up after a few weeks when things didn't go the way I wanted but with Beauteur is different, I treat it like it's my baby and for once I'm actually loving it. At the beginning of October I posted about the goals I'd like to achieve before the New Years and I actually reached all the goals by November so I was chuffed and it gave me the confidence to reach myself higher goals. So without further due, here's my New Year's blog resolutions.

  • I'd love to reach 30.000 views this year. I'm only on 6.000 now and some may say it's a bit of a crazy goal but I really believe I can do it in a year!
  • I want to attend more blogger events and socialize more with other bloggers.
  • I want to take some kind of photography course to take better photos for the blog.
  • I'll keep posting three times a week without an exception.
  • I'll always have about five back up post for when I'm not feeling well or for when I'm away on holidays.
  • Getting a new and better camera.
  • I am currently on about 900 followers on Twitter and I'd love to double it up by the end of this year.
  • Get at least 5 guest post.
  • Do a give away when I reach 1000 followers on Twitter and another one when I reach the 30.000 views.
  • Discover at least one new blog a day and comment on at least 5 a day.
  • Have 500 bloglovin friends.
  • Continue to have fun with my blog!

What are you New Years Blogging Resolutions? Do you think these are achievable?


  1. 30,000 is so many eek, good luck I know you can do it!
    Charlotte // charlottespicks.blogspot.com

  2. Happy new year!! I definitely recommend blogging events! They are a great way to meet people and find new products! :)
    Jess @ JuicyyyJesss*

  3. Totally achievable! I wonder if they're any blogging events in Australia, I'd love to attend some and meet others. How did you come across them? Sorry if this is a super noob question haha!

    Sally ~ DiagonSally

    1. I haven't heard of any blogging events here in Australia so far! So sad...I guess we all just live too far apart haha!

  4. I had the exact same problem! I had a blog before, but I gave up on it simply because I didn't really know what to do with it. This is the first time I've ever taken it seriously, which can be exhilarating & scary all at the same time. I've come up with two goals so far: reach 200,000 views on my blog & reach 10,000 followers on Instagram. It's pretty steep, but I actually think I can do it. I also need to work on building my Twitter & Bloglovin as well, which is a bit trickier. Any tips?

    Wendy | XOBeautyAddict.com

  5. I think thats definitely achievable across the course of the year! Good luck with it all too. :)

    Lucy xx // Louminous | A Lifestyle Blog by Lucy Old

  6. Happy New Year! Hopefully this will be an amazing year and you'll get all your goals accomplished by the end of it!
    Rita x

  7. These are fantastic goals! x

  8. One of my blog goals is to improve and experiment with my photography x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  9. Hope you had an amazing New Year! Loving your list of goals - I think having fun with blogging is the most important one :D

  10. Those are great goals. It's always good to push yourself :)

  11. I definitely think they're achievable! You go girl :) P.S I want to do more bloggy socialising too - we should meet up! Lyd x


  12. Your blog is absolutely gorgeous, I love your photography! I am from South-Wales too xx (www.laura-simone.com)
